2014년 10월 24일 금요일

twitter r word cloud macosx

One R Tip A Day

A word cloud (or tag cloud) can be an handy tool when you need to highlight the most commonly cited words in a text using a quick visualization. Of course, you can use one of the several on-line services, such as wordle ortagxedo , very feature rich and with a nice GUI. Being an R enthusiast, I always wanted to produce this kind of images within R and now, thanks to the recently released Ian Fellows' wordcloud package, finally I can!
In order to test the package I retrieved the titles of the XKCD web comics included in myRXKCD package and produced a word cloud based on the titles' word frequencies calculated using the powerful tm package for text mining (I know, it is like killing a fly with a bazooka!).

path <- system.file("xkcd", package = "RXKCD")
datafiles <- list.files(path)
xkcd.df <- read.csv(file.path(path, datafiles))
xkcd.corpus <- Corpus(DataframeSource(data.frame(xkcd.df[, 3])))
xkcd.corpus <- tm_map(xkcd.corpus, removePunctuation)
xkcd.corpus <- tm_map(xkcd.corpus, tolower)
xkcd.corpus <- tm_map(xkcd.corpus, function(x) removeWords(x, stopwords("english")))
tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(xkcd.corpus)
m <- as.matrix(tdm)
v <- sort(rowSums(m),decreasing=TRUE)
d <- data.frame(word = names(v),freq=v)
pal <- brewer.pal(9, "BuGn")
pal <- pal[-(1:2)]
png("wordcloud.png", width=1280,height=800)
wordcloud(d$word,d$freq, scale=c(8,.3),min.freq=2,max.words=100, random.order=T, rot.per=.15, colors=pal, vfont=c("sans serif","plain"))

As a second example,  inspired by this post from the eKonometrics blog, I created a word cloud from the description of  3177 available R packages listed at http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages.
u = "http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/available_packages_by_date.html"
t = readHTMLTable(u)[[1]]
ap.corpus <- Corpus(DataframeSource(data.frame(as.character(t[,3]))))
ap.corpus <- tm_map(ap.corpus, removePunctuation)
ap.corpus <- tm_map(ap.corpus, tolower)
ap.corpus <- tm_map(ap.corpus, function(x) removeWords(x, stopwords("english")))
ap.tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(ap.corpus)
ap.m <- as.matrix(ap.tdm)
ap.v <- sort(rowSums(ap.m),decreasing=TRUE)
ap.d <- data.frame(word = names(ap.v),freq=ap.v)
pal2 <- brewer.pal(8,"Dark2")
png("wordcloud_packages.png", width=1280,height=800)
wordcloud(ap.d$word,ap.d$freq, scale=c(8,.2),min.freq=3,
max.words=Inf, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=.15, colors=pal2)

As a third example, thanks to Jim's comment, I take advantage of Duncan Temple Lang's RNYTimes package to access user-generate content on the NY Times and produce a wordcloud of 'today' comments on articles.
Caveat: in order to use the RNYTimes package you need a API key from The New York Times which you can get by registering to the The New York Times Developer Network (free of charge) from here.
install.packages(packageName, repos = "http://www.omegahat.org/R", type = "source")
my.key <- "your API key here"
what= paste("by-date", format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d"),sep="/")
# what="recent"
recent.news <- community(what=what, key=my.key)
pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(recent.news, error=function(...){}, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
x <- xpathSApply(pagetree, "//*/body", xmlValue)
# do some clean up with regular expressions
x <- unlist(strsplit(x, "\n"))
x <- gsub("\t","",x)
x <- sub("^[[:space:]]*(.*?)[[:space:]]*$", "\\1", x, perl=TRUE)
x <- x[!(x %in% c("", "|"))]
ap.corpus <- Corpus(DataframeSource(data.frame(as.character(x))))
ap.corpus <- tm_map(ap.corpus, removePunctuation)
ap.corpus <- tm_map(ap.corpus, tolower)
ap.corpus <- tm_map(ap.corpus, function(x) removeWords(x, stopwords("english")))
ap.tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(ap.corpus)
ap.m <- as.matrix(ap.tdm)
ap.v <- sort(rowSums(ap.m),decreasing=TRUE)
ap.d <- data.frame(word = names(ap.v),freq=ap.v)
pal2 <- brewer.pal(8,"Dark2")
png("wordcloud_NewYorkTimes_Community.png", width=1280,height=800)
wordcloud(ap.d$word,ap.d$freq, scale=c(8,.2),min.freq=2,
max.words=Inf, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=.15, colors=pal2)

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